bogleech: arcaneloquence: plaidandredlipstick: hussyknee: I... - Bardruck´s blog


Tuesday, January 2, 2018

bogleech: arcaneloquence: plaidandredlipstick: hussyknee: I...





I love how they left out the part about them giving out the lesbian couple’s personal information to send them death threats, running them out of their home, and encouraging other fundies to petition to have their children taken away. **examines fingernails**

Also the fact that they raised half million dollars from other raging homophobes to fund this bigotry. I hope the dickholes lose the shirts off their backs and have to live out of a van. But that’s too much to hope for.

I just wanna add that the lesbian couple were getting married because their mutual friend had just died of cancer and they were adopting her two daughters… and that the death threats were so bad that they had to quit their jobs and move. it’s never just about a cake. it’s about the precedent you set when you allow ppl to discriminate. it’s about all the disgusting bigots that crawl out of the woodwork when they feel like they have the right to hate.

“It’s never just about a cake. It’s about the precedent you set when you allow people to discriminate.”

Also never forget that for all the baby-bawling over their false interpretation of what “free speech” is, it was ALREADY A STATE LAW SINCE 2007 that a private business does not have the right to discriminate against anyone based on sexual orientation, either as an employee or in providing them accommodations.

Nobody talked about this until now. They broke the law since day one. It was cut and dry.

January 02, 2018 at 09:44PM

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