diamondelight92: wikdsushi: strangeasanjles: Not all heros... - Bardruck´s blog


Monday, January 23, 2017

diamondelight92: wikdsushi: strangeasanjles: Not all heros...




Not all heros wear capes.

I want to buy this woman a beer.

This woman is named June Ayres and she has owned and operated Reproductive Health Services, which is currently the only clinic in Montgomery, Alabama, for about 30 years. May I suggest that you donate the price of that beer to The Linda D Foundation, which helps Alabama women afford reproductive services including birth control, emergency contraception, and abortion services? http://ift.tt/2b45GXi

You could also donate to the National Abortion Federation here: http://ift.tt/2aXlDgS

This gifset is from an incredible documentary called Trapped. You can find or organize a screening or stream it for free here: http://ift.tt/1RWVYEO

It’s seriously an amazing movie about some amazing people.

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